A few days ago, the 5th of edition of a (German language) classic on private international law, the “Hay”, was released. Fully revised and updated by Hannes Rösler, a Professor for Civil Law, Comparative Law and Private International Law at the University of Siegen (Germany), it now appears as Hay/Rösler, Internationales Privat- und Zivilverfahrensrecht, 5th edition, C.H. Beck 2016 (XXXI + 326 pages).
The book covers nearly every aspect of private international law through 229 questions and cases. The first part of the book (about 40 percent) covers procedural aspects. It starts with international jurisdiction under the Brussels Ibis Regulation, further EU regulations (including the Regulations on maintenance and succession) and German law. It continues with questions of proof of facts and service of documents and finishes with recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.
The second part deals with private international law in the narrower sense. It first addresses key concepts (“Allgemeiner Teil”) and then covers the Rome I and Rome II Regulations, property law, family law (including the relatively new Rom III Regulation), succession law and company law.
The books is an excellent and up-to-date introduction to private international law. It provides easy access to complex legal issues. Thanks to its case-orientation it will be especially helpful for students preparing for classes and exams. In addition, it will prove helpful for lawyers and practitioners interested in private international law.
Further information, including a table of contents, can be found here.