Building on the successful conferences held in Aberdeen (2005), Birmingham (2007), New York (2009), Milan (2011), Madrid (2013), Cambridge (2015) and Rio (2017) the Journal of Private International Law will be holding its 8th Conference at the University of Munich from 12 – 14 September 2019.
Following the call for papers the Editors of the Journal (Professor Jonathan Harris QC of King’s College, Londonand Professor Paul Beaumont FRSE of the University of Aberdeen) and the organizer of the conference (Professor Anatol Dutta, University of Munich) have selected from a great number of applications from all over the world a variety of papers covering all areas of private international law which will be presented in a mixture of plenary (Friday) and parallel panel sessions (Thursday afternoon and Saturday morning).
We ask all speakers and guests to register via this website.
We thank the publisher Routledge and the German Federal Chamber of Notaries for their generous support.